A proxy action allows you to make passthrough API calls to the SaaS provider’s API. Ampersand will attach the right authentication headers and also take care of token refreshes when necessary. To define a proxy action, add proxy as a key in your integration defined in amp.yaml:

specVersion: 1.0.0
  - name: proxy-intercom
    displayName: Proxy to Intercom
    provider: intercom
      enabled: true

Make API calls

All proxy actions expose an API with the base of https://proxy.withampersand.com. When making a passthrough call, simply replace the base URL with the Ampersand proxy URL. For example, instead of making a request to https://subdomain.my.salesforce.com/services/data/v56.0/sobjects/Account, making the same request to https://proxy.withampersand.com/services/data/v56.0/sobjects/Account.

Please refer to the Provider Guides for the base URL of each connector.

Keep the request body and HTTP verb the same, and add these additional headers so Ampersand knows how to deliver the API request:

  • x-amp-proxy-version: this should always be 1
  • x-amp-project-id: your Ampersand project ID. You can find it on your project’s General Settings page
  • x-api-key: your Ampersand API key, if you don’t have one yet, create one in the Ampersand Dashboard’s API Keys page.

In order for Ampersand to know which SaaS instance to make the API call against, you’ll need to provide either:

  • x-amp-installation-id: the installation ID, you’ll get this from the InstallIntegration component’s success callback functions.
  • or both of the following:
    • x-amp-integration-name: the integration name that you wrote in the amp.yaml file
    • x-amp-group-ref: the ID for the user group that you used in the InstallIntegration React component’s groupRef property.

If all 3 headers (x-amp-installation-id, x-amp-integration-name & x-amp-group-ref) are provided, then the installation ID is used.

Here is an example API call:

curl --location --request PUT 'https://proxy.withampersand.com/services/data/v56.0/sobjects/Account' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ # Other content types are supported
--header 'x-amp-project-id: my-ampersand-project-id' \
--header 'x-api-key: my-api-key' \
--header 'x-amp-proxy-version: 1' \
--header 'x-amp-integration-name: my-salesforce-integration' \
--header 'x-amp-group-ref: company-id-from-my-app' \
--data '{
    # Same request body as if you are sending the request to Salesforce