The amp Command Line Interface (CLI) allows you to deploy integrations and interact with the Ampersand platform.


Using Homebrew

brew tap amp-labs/cli
brew update
brew install amp-labs/cli/cli

Other systems

Visit and download the binary for your machine’s architecture. Place the binary file somewhere on your PATH (e.g. inside /usr/bin).

Using the CLI

Log into your Ampersand account

Before using the CLI, you must have an Ampersand account that you’ve created on the Ampersand dashboard.

Once your account has been created, you can log into the CLI by running:

amp login

If you wish to log out, you can run:

amp logout

Deploy integrations

After defining your integrations in amp.yaml, deploy your changes by running the commands below:

amp login
amp deploy <folder_with_amp.yaml> --project=<id-or-name>

View all commands

To see a list of all available commands and global flags, run:

amp help

Run in CI/CD

If you are running the Ampersand CLI in a CI/CD system, such as Github Actions, you can:

  1. Generate an API key in the Ampersand Dashboard.
  2. Use the key flag, for example:
amp list:integrations --key=<api-key> --project=<id-or-name>

Alternatively, you can put the API key in the AMP_API_KEY environment variable, and omit the key flag.

export AMP_API_KEY=<api-key>
amp list:integrations --project=<id-or-name>

Run in debug mode

You can run any command with the debug flag, which will print more verbose output. For example:

amp login --debug